Ornamental Horticulture

Ornamental Horticulture (OH) is an applied natural science focused on growing and caring for plants, including flowers, trees, and grasses. Ornamental Horticulture is a highly diversified field with a wide variety of career options.


Diverse Career Options

Ornamental Horticulture includes Production Horticulture, Floriculture and Landscape Horticulture. Students of Ornamental Horticulture at Cuyamaca College have the opportunity to study all of these areas of the Green Industry.


Production Horticulture

Starting and growing new plants for marketing and sale in a nursery or greenhouse environment. 



Floriculture is the production, design and sale of cut flowers and potted plants used for their immediate decorative beauty.


Landscape Horticulture

The planting and care of landscape plants. This can include plants that provide fruits and vegetables, sports turf and golf course management, arboriculture (the care of trees), irrigation system management, and more. Landscape Architecture is an associated discipline. 




Degrees and Certificates 

Ornamental Horticulture (OH) students at Cuyamaca College can choose from eight different majors; our program offers eight associate’s degrees and nine certificates. Completing all OH courses required for a major + general education courses is necessary to earn an Associate Degree in Science. Completing OH courses only is required to earn certificate(s). Many core OH courses overlap for all majors allowing students to earn multiple degrees or certificates.


OH Majors

  • Arboriculture
  • Floral Design
  • Golf Course and Sports Turf Management
  • Irrigation Technology
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Landscape Technology
  • Nursery Technology
  • Sustainable Urban Landscapes
  • Basic Ornamental Horticulture (certificate only)

Course Descriptions


Degree Descriptions


OH Course Rotation



New State-of-the-Art Facility

Ornamental Horticulture at Cuyamaca College has brand-new facilities that opened in 2021! The state-of-the-art classrooms, workshops and greenhouses combined with our nine-acre field site provides students the best opportunity to gain the skills needed for a rewarding career.




Cuyamaca College Plant Nursery

During Fall 2024 the OH Nursery is open Mondays through Friday, from 9am - 4pm.


Nursery Phone

(619) 660-4573


Ornamental Horticulture at Cuyamaca College is unique in its operation of a retail nursery on campus. Since 1981, open five days a week during the Fall and Spring semesters, and four days a week during the Summer, the Cuyamaca College Nursery is run by our students, providing hands-on learning for a career in plant propagation or plant sales. Paid internships are available for OH students to work as growers or nursery sales associates. All sales earnings support the Ornamental Horticulture program.


OH Nursery


Get in Touch

Amy Huie

Program Coordinator (619) 660-4261

Amy.Huie@gcccd.edu Right Arrow Icon


John Thomas

Ornamental Horticulture Coordinator (619) 660-4262

John.Thomas@gcccd.edu Right Arrow Icon


Related Resources 



Canvas Self-Service Support Programs
link to Canvas link to Self-Service link to Support Services
Financial Aid Counseling Apply/Enroll
link to financial aid Talk to a counselor Apply and enroll


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